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Reason analysis of USB female socket welding wire type plus sheath
Time:2020年09月02日  Browse:

If you are concerned about the specifications of the USB female socket, you will definitely notice that almost all wire-bonded USB female sockets are sheathed, especially the USB-AF female socket, which is also a wire-bonded USB female socket. A feature that is different from other USB-AF female sockets. When many customers come to inquire, they propose not to use this plastic or metal shell, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing procurement costs. When the product is in trial production, they will come back and contact you Adding a sheath (plastic or hardware), it turns out that they need to use the glue process in the trial production, while the traditional USB-AF female hardware shell has 6 stamping shrapnels, and there are openings when there are shrapnels. There will be plastic particles and powder entering the inside of the wire-bonded USB female socket (commonly referred to as "residual glue"), which will affect the plugging performance of the USB female socket, and the product's performance in severe cases. Electrical performance. Having said that, everyone can "self-explanatory" the function of the sheath of the wire-bonded USB female socket. Yes, the plastic or metal jacket can effectively prevent the residual glue from entering the USB female socket during the glue process. Internally, the reason why wire-bonded USB female sockets use sheaths is more because the products that use wire-bonded USB female sockets are generally wire-shaped and must be processed with glue. But it is not to say that only the wire-bonded USB female socket needs a sheath. Other specifications such as surface-mounted or splint-type USB female sockets sometimes use a sheath (some products also use the glue process). The above is the USB female The main reason for the socket welding line type to install the sheath.


